Monday, November 13, 2017

Mind Map: An Educational Tool

Mind Map: An Educational Tool

Every successful human is outcome of successful mind. The thoughts which were initiated in mind try to make bonds with each other. If these bonds are strong they create long term memory and weaker bonds create short term memory. The representation of those Bonds on visual platform is known as Mind Map. There is tremendous research work has been done in this field around the world but its application in daily life is yet to be practiced.
Our human mind is acting neutral for positive implementation and negative thinking. For example if i asked you;"close your eyes and don't think of lion at all ", the big king size lion start coming in front of you even in closed eyes condition. This is the power of mind which never understand meaning of words like don’t, not, did not, etc. 
Today we are going to learn about developing mind map and its application for educational purpose. 

So, to start developing mind map
 1) Consider one 'Keyword ' in your mind and write it down in middle cell of the mind map. 
2) Now think of associated thoughts for that word and write down keywords from your thoughts in surrounding cells of mind map. 
3) Similarly now these new associated keywords become your start point once again.
4) Start thinking new associated thoughts for those New words. 

5) After writing all your keywords from your thoughts you will be done with your mind map. 

We have now developed our own mind map for that first word. Some of the examples for first word would be, “Time, Life, Friends, Money, Health,Food, Study, God, etc ".

Similarly when you are preparing for study the course try to implement Mind Map with associated keywords from textbook of relevant topic of the chapter. Once you have developed your own mind map for study topics or curriculum concepts the chances are increased by 5 times to remember the concepts without memorizing thoroughly.

Blank format and one example of mind map is given for your reference.