Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What is your biggest mistake and how to correct it

If you wanted to be successful in life, let's plan for success and enjoy your life , contribute to society and take corrective action to perform well in the business , life , relations .
Get first time exclusive & absolutely free access to My New Online Video Training on
*"Discard Your Fear"*
*You will learn from this .........*
What is fear ?
what are the symptoms and causes of fear ?
How fear affects your success ?
How to Kill your Any fear ?
how to plan Successful Fearless and Happy life ?
Win your Mind Game and Life Game of fear ?
Simply visit and share this massage with your friends
Listen To These Daily For Amazing Results - Use The Law of Attraction To Draw Abundance, Wealth, Riches, Success, Money, and Prosperity into Your Life !! I AM AMAZING - Powerful Affirmations For Success Self Confidence Prosperity Abundance More Money.
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GrowingForever Playlist
I can do anything
I am fearless
I pursue my dreams with ease
I am assertive
I tell others how I feel
I can stand up to anything
I am very attractive
I am bold and outgoing
I can achieve anything I desire
I always stand up for myself and my beliefs
I always find a way to succeed
I am original
I confidently meet any challenge
I know I can achieve anything
I can face anything that confronts me
I am a winner
I am bold and brave
I am fearless
I am in control of my life
I achieve massive success
I believe in myself completely
I can easily overcome any failures or setbacks
I speak my mind
I respect myself deeply
I am confident that I can achieve anything
I am strong
I am talented at many things
I find it easy to go after what I want
I am a high achiever
I am amazing

Monday, November 13, 2017

Mind Map: An Educational Tool

Mind Map: An Educational Tool

Every successful human is outcome of successful mind. The thoughts which were initiated in mind try to make bonds with each other. If these bonds are strong they create long term memory and weaker bonds create short term memory. The representation of those Bonds on visual platform is known as Mind Map. There is tremendous research work has been done in this field around the world but its application in daily life is yet to be practiced.
Our human mind is acting neutral for positive implementation and negative thinking. For example if i asked you;"close your eyes and don't think of lion at all ", the big king size lion start coming in front of you even in closed eyes condition. This is the power of mind which never understand meaning of words like don’t, not, did not, etc. 
Today we are going to learn about developing mind map and its application for educational purpose. 

So, to start developing mind map
 1) Consider one 'Keyword ' in your mind and write it down in middle cell of the mind map. 
2) Now think of associated thoughts for that word and write down keywords from your thoughts in surrounding cells of mind map. 
3) Similarly now these new associated keywords become your start point once again.
4) Start thinking new associated thoughts for those New words. 

5) After writing all your keywords from your thoughts you will be done with your mind map. 

We have now developed our own mind map for that first word. Some of the examples for first word would be, “Time, Life, Friends, Money, Health,Food, Study, God, etc ".

Similarly when you are preparing for study the course try to implement Mind Map with associated keywords from textbook of relevant topic of the chapter. Once you have developed your own mind map for study topics or curriculum concepts the chances are increased by 5 times to remember the concepts without memorizing thoroughly.

Blank format and one example of mind map is given for your reference.

How to Prepare for Term End Examination

Whenever students take tension about exam there are mainly two reasons which caused the panic and worry.
There are some tips for all the students who wish to score good marks and clears exam as high achievers .
Time is very important asset for students . because the time which is available before exams is only valuable. Because if this time is not utilised well your upcoming holidays will go in panic.
Watch this video for understanding importance of time management.
For a students and archivers the target play very important role as you must know what you want to achieve in your life and the very next event is your exam .
Watch this video for determining the focus on your goals.
As your exams are divided as per the subjects and subjects includes various chapters . and even each exam is associated with question paper which includes questions from the chapters you studied (sometimes you kept for option )
So your synchronized study with question paper and syllabus is very vital for our successful achievement's.
Watch this video for Taking the desired action towards your success
4) Use of preparation leave
Preparation leave is an arrangement for your success if you use the PL effectively.
.Check your exam schedule and note down the dates of your exams and days between two consecutive exams. Mark those subject with red color for which the holiday is not available. Now you have to decide that 70% of your time and focus should be on those subjects during PL
5)Creating Schedule of PL
Last subject to be prepared first and first subject to be prepared at end of your preparation leave. Similarly you have to allocate 10% more time for difficult subject .  watch this video for effectively managing and scheduling your time
6)Task to be performed for last days preparation
*take previous year question paper
*take the syllabus of the subject
*divide all questions as per chapters and make a list of questions
* collect all study material of all the chapters
*carefully study the list of questions only so that you can understand which type of questions will be asked in your question paper
*now correlate the study material and questions and find out perfect answer.
*now its time to find out keywords of your perfect answers .
*Now prepare mind map of the derived keywords.You are now equipped with all tools for successfully completing examination .

Think twice And be Happy

 तुमचा निर्णय + तुमची कृती = तुमचे यश (सर्वांची यशाची व्याख्या वेगळी असते.तुम्ही यश कशास समजता??)

हे लक्षात ठेवाल तर नक्की व्हाल UPSC विजेता , if you know this you will be winner

upsc exam preparation is very important .

  1. To apply for UPSC Civil Services (IAS/IPS) Examination, a candidate….
  2. Must be a graduate. No minimum %, grade or CGPA required in college. (But don’t prepare UPSC by neglecting college because in RBI/CAT-exams they consider college marks)
  3. There are Toppers with ATKT, failures in college/school exams. UPSC doesn’t care. They only need final graduation certi/marksheet.
  4. Undergraduate in last year, last semester can apply.
  5. American degrees valid but have to get equivalent cert. from AIU.
  6. Distance education degree valid- IF recognized by UGC/AICTE/any Law
  7. MBBS must have completed internship before UPSC Interview-stage comes.
  8. Age is counted on the 1st August of the given year.
  9. Physical Disabled candidates’ age limits: PH-Gen: 42, PH-OBC (non-Creamy): 45 years; PH-SC/ST: 47 years. This is cumulative ST ex-serviceman who was disabled: 32 +5 (ST) +5 (Ex serviceman) + PH (10)=52 years. But such cumulative effect will apply till maximum upper age limit 56 years, as per this DoPT Notification.
  10. * PH (GEN | OBC) = 9 attempts while PH (SC | ST) = Unlimited Attempts, till upper age.
  11. J&K Domicile OR Ex-serviceman: addl. +5 years| Attempt depend on category.

When the bike was stolen, the young man himself searched for himself, you also tried the way बाइक चोरी हो गई तो युवक नेउसे खुद ही तलाश लिया, आपभी आजमाइए तरीका

एक युवक की बाइक चोरी हो गई तो वो उसने खुद ही ढूंढ
निकाली और चोर भी पकड़ा गया। इसके लिए उसने जो तरीका
आजमाया, देखकर पुलिस भी हैरान रह गई।

When the bike was stolen, the young man himself searched for himself, you also tried the way

If a young man's bike is stolen, he will find himself
The extortion and the thief were also caught. The way he
Tried to try, the police were surprised to see

kya hoga purane 500 or 1000 ke noto ka ? सवाल जिंदा रहा कि इतने सारे पुराने नोटों का आखिर होगा क्या?

पिछले साल 8 नवंबर को देश में नोटबंदी का एलान हुआ था। रातों रात 500 और 1000 रुपये के नोट बंद हो गए थे। नोट क्या बंद हुए कागज वाले गांधी जी के लिए लोगों की रुसवाई बाहर आ गई। सड़क से लेकर डस्टबिन और नालियों से लेकर नदियों तक में नोट ही नोट दिखाई देने लगे थे। जिन नोटों से लोगों का चाल-चलन नापा जाता था वो खुद चलन से बाहर हो गए थे। सरकार ने नए नोट ला दिए, फैशन के इस दौर में नोटों ने भी रंग बदल लिया, लेकिन सवाल जिंदा रहा कि इतने सारे पुराने नोटों का आखिर होगा क्या?

Introducing my YouTube channel

DISCARD Your Fear / How to Identify your Mistake and win your life

| SUBSCRIBE to Rohan Homkar: https://www.youtube.com/c/alwayssayiamamazing
Get first time exclusive & absolutely free access to My New Online Video Training on
Discard Your Fear
Hello  Everyone

Myself Mr. Rohan Moreshwar Homkar , working as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department of K.J. Somaiya Polytechnic , vidyavihar wanted to share something with you.
When I was A student in Educational institute like K.J. Somaiya Polytechnic  & National Power Training Institute , Nagpur some 5-6 years ago , that time i used to record Audio notes of the difficult subjects .
and whenever i was having spare time like traveling i keep them listening .
which help me a lot in understanding difficult / foundation courses  .

To get complete Free access of Audio notes And Video lectures prepared by Mr. Rohan homkar Subscribe to the you tube channel

This audio notes were recorded for educational purpose only

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

How to Concentrate or focus on our goals and dreams with positive attitude

This video will give all answers about following questions
1)what is attitude 2)how to define positive attitude3)how to define negative attitude 4)how to determine your dreams 5)how to change ourself for success6)how to change negative attitude to positive attitude
subscribe to our channel at http://www.youtube.com/c/alwayssayiamamazing View latest video in our playlist My Better Life Transformation Videos With Single Step At a Time


Habits are very important to create your future lifestyle . 
as your past actions past habits are responsible for your present condition . 
it may be your bad condition in the area of 
1} Acadamic performance 
2} Financial Condition
3} Health Problems 
4} Unhappy Relationships
5} Social Image

its important to to change your lifestyle for success.


How to Concentrate or focus on our goals and dreams with positive attitude

This video will give all answers about following questions
1)what is attitude 2)how to define positive attitude3)how to define negative attitude 4)how to determine your dreams 5)how to change ourself for success6)how to change negative attitude to positive  attitude
Focus on Your Dreams
This video will give answers of all your question related to Developing Right Attitude ,
Positive Thinking ,
Success Habbits ,
Dreams for life,
Focus on Challenges  and
Accomplishing our goals Subscribe our channel for watching other parts of this motivational web series

Discard Your Fear 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Watch New Video about Dreams

1. What’s your dream?

This is honestly the trickiest step. We complicate the heck out of it. We think, “What’s my life’s purpose?” and then we break out into a cold sweat.

Start with the easy stuff. What feels good to you? You don’t need to decide everything right this instant, but just start collecting ideas for your life that make you feel excited and enthusiastic about the possibilities. Write some things down. Just keep some kind of simple record of what your dream for your life is.

Close your eyes and see what pictures emerge. Images that come to my mind are sunny nature scenes. I also like the idea of someone wrapped in a cozy sweater and sipping coffee while they smile at a laptop. (That’s me right now.) I’m a writer, so I’m now committed to writing every day. One day I will own a beach house. That’s about it!

2. Decide and believe.

Many of us will pick a delicious dream for ourselves and then immediately start pecking furiously at the edges with a list of ways it can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t work out for us. Stop that!

If there’s a word for both deciding and believing in one fell swoop, the word would be commitment. You have to commit to your dream. Don’t just put it in a box and close the lid, never to see the light of day. You have to take it out and fondle it... every... day. Take it out, play with it, give it some air.

Decision + Belief = Commitment

Decide you want your dream to happen. For real. Believe it will and can happen. For real. This is the magic sauce that will help propel your dream into reality. If you don’t decide and believe, and therefore commit, well then... as Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”

3. Release fear.

This next step isn’t a one-time event. It’s probably something you’re going to have to do over and over, every time you notice you’re stuck and you’ve stopped forward momentum.

We disguise fear under logistics all the time: “Oh, I don’t have time to go after that dream, I need to make money!” Sure ya do. So get up earlier.

“Well then I don’t have time!” Sure ya do. So get up earlier.

“But then I’ll be exhausted!” Here’s the thing. Last year, when I was getting up early, it was a bit of a battle. I was always feeling like it took heroics to drag my limp carcass out of bed that early.

It’s all in the attitude. This go round, I decided it was going to be easy and exciting to get up early to write every day. I decided it’s not going to be difficult. I decided to get the sleep I need, and not be so dramatic and sacrificial about getting up early.

Choose the right attitude. Release fear. Repeat.

4. Take action!

Eegads, finally, the part where we actually DO stuff.

Figure out what you need to DO to make your dream happen. Then go do it.

Every day.

To sum up step four, take action daily.

5. Love yourself.

It’s really easy to lose the plot in the frenzy of daily living. Just slow down, pump the breaks, relax. Listen.

Take quiet time alone every day — again, early morning if need be — to reflect, read, write, and to hear yourself think. Give yourself the time and space to feel your feelings and organize your thoughts so that you may stay in touch with your own needs and desires for your life.

Monday, October 23, 2017

remove your negative feelings

if you're feeling depressed, if you're feeling fearful, if you're not feeling well about your current condition u have to discard your negative thoughts from your mind. whenever you are thinking positively you are actually stepping stone towards your success.
generally most of the people will have lots of benefits by watching this video to remove their negative feelings.


आयुष्यात खुप करा प्रगती .

आजपासून पाच वर्षांनी तुम्ही कुठं असाल? या प्रश्नाचं उत्तर फक्त दोनच गोष्टी देऊ शकतात.

*१) आज तुम्ही नेमकी कुठली पुस्तकं वाचताय?*
२) *सध्या तुमची संगत कोणाची आहे?*

- चांगली पुस्तकंही वाचत नसाल, बरी माणसंही अवती-भोवती नसतील, तर तुमचं भविष्य दुसर्‍या कोणी कशाला सांगायला हवं?

- आपण फक्त काही मोजक्या गोष्टी लक्षात ठेवल्या आणि तेवढय़ा मनापासून केल्या तरी आपलं जगणं आपण एका खास उंचीवर नेऊ शकतो.


*१)जे कराल, ते उत्तम करा!*
विसरून जा की, तुमची स्पर्धा दुसर्‍या कोणाशी आहे! जे कराल ते उत्तम करा, पहिल्याच फटक्यात  असं खास काहीतरी करा की, ते उत्तमच असलं पाहिजे! आणि मुख्य म्हणजे जे केलं ते केलं, त्याहून काहीतरी खास करण्याची तयारी करा!


*२) इन्व्हॉल्व्ह व्हा*
आपण जर प्रश्न सोडवायला राजी नसू तर आपणही त्या प्रश्नाचाच एक भाग बनतो, स्वत:च प्रॉब्लेम होऊन बसतो. त्यामुळे सतत तक्रार करणं सोडा, जे समोर येईल त्याला भीडा. त्यामुळे एकतर झोकून देऊन काम करा, नाहीतर निदान तोंड तरी बंद करा.


*३)थोडंसं एक्स्ट्रा*
लोकांच्या अपेक्षांपेक्षा जास्त काहीतरी करण्याची, जास्त प्रयत्न करून थोडं जास्त काम करण्याची तयारी ठेवा! जेमतेम आणि नेमून दिलेलं काम तर सगळेच करतात, तुम्ही काहीतरी एक्सट्रा करणार की नाही हे ठरवा!


*४) भूमिका घ्या*
सगळंच गोलमोल, वारा आला तशी फिरवली पाठ. तर तुम्ही लाटेबरोबर वाहून जाल. त्यापेक्षा निष्ठा ठेवा, भूमिका घ्या आणि त्यावर ठाम रहा.


*५) फोकस*
तुमचं लक्ष्य काय, तुम्हाला नक्की काय हवंय, हे विसरू नका. काहीही झालं तरी, तुमचा फोकस हलता कामा नये.


*६) मित्र जरा जपून निवडा.*
नेता  चांगला असतो, पण त्याचे सल्लागार वाईट असतात, हे वाक्य आपण सतत ऐकतो. तसं आपलं होऊ नये, म्हणून जरा मित्र चांगले आणि जपून निवडा. चांगली यशस्वी माणसं पहा आणि त्यांचे मित्र पहा, संगतीचा असर होतोच.


*७) स्वत:वर भरवसा ठेवा*
अनेकदा इथंच घसरतं. असतं सगळं पण आपला स्वत:वर भरवसा नसतो. आपल्याला स्वत:विषयी चांगलं वाटलं तर जग चांगलं दिसतं. नात्यागोत्याची माणसं चांगली वागतात. त्यामुळे जरा स्वत:वर भरवसा ठेवून, स्वत:वरही प्रेम करा.


*८) कॅरॅक्टर जपा.*
एका रात्रीत काही कुणाचं कॅरॅक्टर तयार होत नाही. अनेकदा काही माणसांविषयी आपल्याला वाटतं भलतंच, पण ती असतात वेगळीच. त्यामुळे आपली रेप्युटेशन काय तयार होतेय याकडे जरा लक्ष द्या. एकदा प्रतिमा डागाळली तर ती सुधारायला प्रचंड कष्ट पडतात.


*९) जगायचं कशासाठी?*
विचारा स्वत:ला! आपण कशासाठी जगतोय. आपलं ध्येय काय? जगणं खूप सुंदर आहे, ते नाकारू नका. असं म्हणतात ना की, काहीतरी करून अपयश मिळणं हे काहीच न करण्यापेक्षा केव्हाही चांगलंच! त्यामुळे आपल्या जगण्याची दिशा शोधा.


*१0) दिवसाची सुरुवात आनंदी*
उठलं की फोन असं होतं का तुमचं? त्यापेक्षा दिवसाची सुरुवात आनंदी होईल, असा प्रयत्न करा. अनेकदा छोट्या गोष्टीनं मूड जातो आणि आपण काहीच करत नाही. फक्त चिडचिड. असं होऊ नये. त्यामुळे उठल्या क्षणापासून स्वत:ला पॉझिटिव्ह एनर्जीचा एक डोस द्या.....


*११)पहाटे लवकर उठुन कामाला लागा*

पहाटे लवकर उठुन कामाला सुरवात केली तर काम जास्त व सुनियोजीत होते व उत्तम काम होते

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भीतीचा नायनाट करुया

तुम्हाला कसली भीती वाटते हे तुम्हाला जरी माहिती असले तरी त्याचा परिणाम हा तुमच्या क्षमतेवर होत असतो आणि तो दूर करण्यासाठी क्लिक करा या ऑनलाइन व्हिडिओ ट्रेनिंगसाठी तुम्हाला कोणतेही शुल्क आकारले जाणार नाही फक्त या व्हिडिओचा वापर करून तुम्ही तुमची भीती घालवा आयुष्यात प्रगती करून नवे नवे उच्चांक स्थापन करा आणि हे करताना तुम्हाला अडसर ठरणारी भीती या व्हिडिओ ट्रेनिंग द्वारे दूर करा .


remove discard control your fearful moments

Get first time exclusive & absolutely free access to My New Paid Online Video Training on

*"Discard Your Fear"*


*You will learn from this .........*

👆What is fear ?
👆what are the symptoms and causes of fear ?
👆How fear affects your success ?
👆How to Kill your Any fear ?
👆how to plan Successful Fearless and Happy life ?
👆Win your Mind Game and Life Game of fear ?

Simply visit and share this massage with your friends


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

चांगली परिस्थिती मिळेल

नेहमीच आपल्याला चांगली परिस्थिती मिळेल असे नाही , त्यामुळे आपल्या परिस्थितीला कसे समजून घ्यावे , आपल्या सकारात्मक विचारसरणीला कसे विकसित करावे आणी कश्याप्रकारे माणसे व आपले त्यांच्याशी वर्तन परिस्थिती बदलायला मदतगार ठरते , या video ला आपल्या प्रतिक्रिया द्या. https://youtu.be/zXCZvOsM8-o Youtube चॅनेल वर पूर्ण video पाहण्यासाठी खालील link वर click करा. http:/www.youtube.com/c/rohanhomkarsocial

Thursday, May 18, 2017

paristhiti war maat kashi karal

नेहमीच आपल्याला चांगली परिस्थिती मिळेल असे नाही , त्यामुळे आपल्या परिस्थितीला कसे समजून घ्यावे , आपल्या सकारात्मक विचारसरणीला कसे विकसित करावे आणी कश्याप्रकारे माणसे व आपले त्यांच्याशी वर्तन परिस्थिती बदलायला मदतगार ठरते , या video ला आपल्या प्रतिक्रिया द्या. https://youtu.be/zXCZvOsM8-o

Youtube चॅनेल वर पूर्ण video पाहण्यासाठी खालील link वर click करा.


तुमचा निर्णय + तुमची कृती = तुमचे यश (सर्वांची यशाची व्याख्या वेगळी असते.तुम्ही यश कशास समजता??)

यश ही एक अशी संज्ञा आहे ज्या मुळे माणूस प्रयत्न करायला थकत नाही , ते सम्पादन करण्यासाठी खूप मेहनत घेतो , परंतु कधी कधी परिस्थिती अनुकूल नसल्यामुळे अपयश येते आणी तेंव्हा मग सुरुवात होते नकारात्मक विचारसरणीची , आणि मग यश दूर जाते. कारण पूर्वी मिळालेल्या यशाने  आपल्याला यशाची गोडी लावलेली असते.

असेच यश नेहमी सम्पादन करण्यासाठी हा फॉर्मुला (तुमचा निर्णय + तुमची कृती = तुमचे यश )खूप महत्वाचा आहे.

सर्वांची यशाची व्याख्या वेगळी असते.

तुम्ही यश कशास म्हणता ????????

comment करा, आणि आम्हाला सांगा.
